MAC 版本的 Clash 有 ClashX,并且拥有中文版的。但是作者看到此软件貌似还没有和 Clash 官方同步更新。
所以今天用 Clash Windows 这个软件为大家演示。
(其实大家不用在意这个软件的名字为 Clash Windows,其实它也是有 MacOS 客户端版本的)
Clash 项目地址:点击跳转
Clash Windows 客户端下载:点击跳转
Clash Windows macOS 客户端下载:点击跳转
Clash Windows 0.10.4汉化包:点击下载(7月8日更新) (支持WIN和MAC的CLASH汉化,汉化说明在包内)
Clash Android 客户端下载:点击跳转
Clash 不支持 SSR 节点的订阅,若是只有 SSR 的订阅地址,请自行更换 Clash 内核 (ClashR 支持 SSR)
里面包含 V2RAY+WS+TLS 的配置写法,
Trojan 的配置写法,
大家可以 对照视频 修改为自己的参数,当然也可以访问该规则的项目地址 Copy。
# Port of HTTP(S) proxy server on the local end port: 7890 # Port of SOCKS5 proxy server on the local end socks-port: 7891 # Transparent proxy server port for Linux and macOS # redir-port: 7892 # HTTP(S) and SOCKS5 server on the same port # mixed-port: 7890 # authentication of local SOCKS5/HTTP(S) server # authentication: # - "user1:pass1" # - "user2:pass2" # Set to true to allow connections to local-end server from # other LAN IP addresses allow-lan: false # This is only applicable when `allow-lan` is `true` # '*': bind all IP addresses # bind a single IPv4 address # "[aaaa::a8aa:ff:fe09:57d8]": bind a single IPv6 address bind-address: '*' # Clash router working mode # rule: rule-based packet routing # global: all packets will be forwarded to a single endpoint # direct: directly forward the packets to the Internet mode: rule # Clash by default prints logs to STDOUT # info / warning / error / debug / silent log-level: info # When set to false, resolver won't translate hostnames to IPv6 addresses ipv6: true # RESTful web API listening address external-controller: # A relative path to the configuration directory or an absolute path to a # directory in which you put some static web resource. Clash core will then # serve it at `${API}/ui`. # external-ui: folder # Secret for the RESTful API (optional) # Authenticate by spedifying HTTP header `Authorization: Bearer ${secret}` # ALWAYS set a secret if RESTful API is listening on # secret: "" # Outbound interface name interface-name: en0 # Static hosts for DNS server and connection establishment, only works # when `dns.enhanced-mode` is `redir-host`. # # Wildcard hostnames are supported (e.g. *.clash.dev, *.foo.*.example.com) # Non-wildcard domain names has a higher priority than wildcard domain names # e.g. foo.example.com > *.example.com > .example.com # P.S. +.foo.com equals to .foo.com and foo.com hosts: 'mtalk.google.com': # '*.clash.dev': # '.dev': # 'alpha.clash.dev': '::1' # DNS server settings # This section is optional. When not present, DNS server will be disabled. dns: enable: false listen: # ipv6: false # when false, response to AAAA questions will be empty # These nameservers are used to resolve the DNS nameserver hostnames below. # Specify IP addresses only default-nameserver: - - enhanced-mode: redir-host # or fake-ip fake-ip-range: # Fake IP addresses pool CIDR # Hostnames in this list will not be resolved with fake IPs # i.e. questions to these domain names will always be answered with their # real IP addresses # fake-ip-filter: # - '*.lan' # - localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com # Supports UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH. You can specify the port to connect to. # All DNS questions are sent directly to the nameserver, without proxies # involved. Clash answers the DNS question with the first result gathered. nameserver: - # default value - # default value - tls://dns.rubyfish.cn:853 # DNS over TLS - # DNS over HTTPS # When `fallback` is present, the DNS server will send concurrent requests # to the servers in this section along with servers in `nameservers`. # The answers from fallback servers are used when the GEOIP country # is not `CN`. # fallback: # - tcp:// # If IP addresses resolved with servers in `nameservers` are in the specified # subnets below, they are considered invalid and results from `fallback` # servers are used instead. # # IP address resolved with servers in `nameserver` is used when # `fallback-filter.geoip` is true and when GEOIP of the IP address is `CN`. # # If `fallback-filter.geoip` is false, results from `fallback` nameservers # are always used, and answers from `nameservers` are discarded. # # This is a countermeasure against DNS pollution attacks. fallback-filter: geoip: true ipcidr: # - proxies: # 支持的协议及加密算法示例请查阅 Clash 项目 README 以使用最新格式:https://github.com/Dreamacro/clash/blob/master/README.md # VMess(Websocket + TLS) - name: "测试V2RAY" type: vmess server: test.bozai.us port: 443 uuid: 6d499645-649f-48c7-9841-424b3c955fa6 alterId: 22 cipher: auto # udp: true tls: true # skip-cert-verify: true network: ws ws-path: /10e0521eb4/ # ws-headers: # Host: v2ray.com # Trojan - name: "Trojan测试" type: trojan server: test1.bozai.us port: 443 password: TRadayie # udp: true # sni: example.com # aka server name # alpn: # - h2 # - http/1.1 # skip-cert-verify: true # 服务器节点订阅 proxy-providers: # name: # Provider 名称 # type: http # http 或 file # path: # 文件路径 # url: # 只有当类型为 HTTP 时才可用,您不需要在本地空间中创建新文件。 # interval: # 自动更新间隔,仅在类型为 HTTP 时可用 # health-check: # 健康检查选项从此处开始 # enable: # url: # interval: # # 「url」参数填写订阅链接 # # 订阅链接可以使用 API 进行转换,如:https://sub.dler.io/ # # 1.模式选择「进阶模式」 2.填写订阅链接 3.勾选「输出为 Node List」 4.「生成订阅链接」 # SuYing666-Sub: # 速鹰666 https://goii.cc/666 机场订阅链接 type: http url: "https://api.dler.io/sub?target=clash&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.suying666.info%2Flink%2F1VQMsXdKlJ5E2jFV%3Fsub%3D3&emoji=false&list=true&udp=false&tfo=false&scv=false&fdn=false&sort=false" interval: 3600 path: ./Proxy/ProxyList.yaml # 不同机场不同命名 health-check: enable: true interval: 600 url: http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 SuYing777-Sub: # 速鹰666 https://goii.cc/666 机场订阅链接 type: http url: "https://api.dler.io/sub?target=clash&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.suying666.info%2Flink%2F1VQMsXdKlJ5E2jFV%3Fsub%3D3&emoji=false&list=true&udp=false&tfo=false&scv=false&fdn=false&sort=false" interval: 3600 path: ./Proxy/ProxyList.yaml # 不同机场不同命名 health-check: enable: true interval: 600 url: http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 proxy-groups: # 策略组示例请查阅 Clash 项目 README 以使用最新格式:https://github.com/Dreamacro/clash/blob/master/README.md # # 策略组说明 # # 「MATCH」类似 Surge 的「Final」,此处用于选择白名单模式(PROXY 策略)和黑名单模式(DIRECT 策略) # # 「Streaming」和「StreamingSE」比较好理解,有专用于流媒体的节点就设置到其中,如果没有「StreamingSE」的需求可以连带 Rule 部分一起删掉,「Streaming」需至少保留 Rule,用「PROXY」即可。 # # 「PROXY」是代理规则策略,它可以指定为某个节点或嵌套一个其他策略组,如:「自动测试」、「Fallback」或「负载均衡」的策略组,关于这 3 个策略组的具体示例可以看官方示例:https://github.com/Dreamacro/clash # # Fallback 比较实用的策略组类型,用于测试服务器节点的可用性,当第一个节点不可用时切换到第二个,以此类推。 - name: "Fallback" type: fallback proxies: - 测试V2RAY - Trojan测试 url: 'http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204' interval: 300 # 代理节点选择 - name: "PROXY" type: select proxies: - Fallback - 测试V2RAY - Trojan测试 - SuYing666 - SuYing777 # 白名单模式 PROXY, 黑名单模式 DIRECT, 不知道别动 - name: "MATCH" type: select proxies: - PROXY - DIRECT # 国际流媒体服务 - name: "Streaming" type: select proxies: - PROXY - 测试V2RAY - Trojan测试 # 中国流媒体服务(面向海外版本) - name: "StreamingSE" type: select proxies: - DIRECT - 测试V2RAY - Trojan测试 # 手动选择节点订阅 - name: "SuYing666" type: select # 亦可使用 fallback 或 load-balance use: - SuYing666-Sub - name: "SuYing777" type: select # 亦可使用 fallback 或 load-balance use: - SuYing777-Sub # 关于 Rule Provider 请查阅:https://lancellc.gitbook.io/clash/clash-config-file/rule-provider rule-providers: # name: # Provider 名称 # type: http # http 或 file # behavior: classical # 或 ipcidr、domain # path: # 文件路径 # url: # 只有当类型为 HTTP 时才可用,您不需要在本地空间中创建新文件。 # interval: # 自动更新间隔,仅在类型为 HTTP 时可用 Unbreak: type: http behavior: classical path: ./RuleSet/Unbreak.yaml url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DivineEngine/Profiles/master/Clash/RuleSet/Unbreak.yaml interval: 86400 Streaming: type: http behavior: classical path: ./RuleSet/StreamingMedia/Streaming.yaml url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DivineEngine/Profiles/master/Clash/RuleSet/StreamingMedia/Streaming.yaml interval: 86400 StreamingSE: type: http behavior: classical path: ./RuleSet/StreamingMedia/StreamingSE.yaml url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DivineEngine/Profiles/master/Clash/RuleSet/StreamingMedia/StreamingSE.yaml interval: 86400 Global: type: http behavior: classical path: ./RuleSet/Global.yaml url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DivineEngine/Profiles/master/Clash/RuleSet/Global.yaml interval: 86400 China: type: http behavior: classical path: ./RuleSet/China.yaml url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DivineEngine/Profiles/master/Clash/RuleSet/China.yaml interval: 86400 ChinaIP: type: http behavior: ipcidr path: ./RuleSet/Extra/ChinaIP.yaml url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DivineEngine/Profiles/master/Clash/RuleSet/Extra/ChinaIP.yaml interval: 86400 # 规则 rules: # Unbreak - RULE-SET,Unbreak,DIRECT # Global Area Network # (Streaming Media) - RULE-SET,Streaming,Streaming # (StreamingSE) - RULE-SET,StreamingSE,StreamingSE # (DNS Cache Pollution) / (IP Blackhole) / (Region-Restricted Access Denied) / (Network Jitter) - RULE-SET,Global,PROXY # China Area Network - RULE-SET,China,DIRECT # Local Area Network - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT # (可选)使用来自 ipipdotnet 的 ChinaIP 以解决数据不准确的问题,使用 ChinaIP.yaml 时可禁用下列直至(包括)「GEOIP,CN」规则 # - RULE-SET,ChinaIP,DIRECT # Tencent - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT - IP-CIDR,,DIRECT # GeoIP China - GEOIP,CN,DIRECT - MATCH,MATCH